Madonna si Christopher Walken in unul dintre cele mai interesante si "cinematografice" videoclipuri ale anilor '90. Ea - o femeie de cariera in cautarea fericirii, care traieste noaptea promiscuitatea interzisa intr-una din Porunci; El - un inger pazitor, cu o existenta asemanatoare, pierduta nu se stie cum si "dedicata" protectiei blondei "bad girl". Spre final, reintalnirea dintre cei doi va avea loc nu inainte de un "sarut al mortii".
De remarcat, situatie ceva mai rara in cariera Madonnei pana la albumul Ray Of Light, atentia pentru versuri, orchestratie si conceptul video integrate in Bad Girl, unul dintre single-urile de pe controversatul album "Erotica" din anul 1992. Regizor este David Fincher si brusc de pe imdb ies in evidenta filme precum Seven, Fight Club (10+), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
De remarcat, situatie ceva mai rara in cariera Madonnei pana la albumul Ray Of Light, atentia pentru versuri, orchestratie si conceptul video integrate in Bad Girl, unul dintre single-urile de pe controversatul album "Erotica" din anul 1992. Regizor este David Fincher si brusc de pe imdb ies in evidenta filme precum Seven, Fight Club (10+), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Something's missing and I don't know why
I always feel the need to hide my feelings from you
Is it me or you that I'm afraid of
I tell myself I'll show you what I'm made of
Can't bring myself to let you go
Don't want to cause you any pain
But I love you just the same
And you'll always be my baby
In my heart I know we've come apart
And I don't know where to start
What can I do
I don't wanna feel blue
Bad girl drunk by six
Kissing someone else's lips
Smoked too many cigarettes a day
I'm not happy when I act this way
Bad girl drunk by six
Kissing some kind stranger's lips
Smoke too many cigarettes today
I'm not happy, I'm not happy
Something's happened and I can't go back
I fall apart every time you hand your heart out to me
What happens now, I know I don't deserve you
I wonder how I'm ever gonna hurt you
Can't bring myself to let you go
I don't want to cause you any pain
But I love you just the same
And you'll always be my baby
In my heart I know we've come apart
And I don't know where to start
What can I do
I don't wanna feel blue
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